Released: 2014
“Like I Can” by Sam Smith is a heartfelt anthem about unrequited love. The song’s central theme revolves around the idea that no one else can love the object of affection as deeply or genuinely as the narrator. It’s about a love that remains unmatched, no matter who else comes along.
The song starts with comparisons, “He could be a sinner, or a gentleman / He could be your preacher when your soul is damned.” This sets up the idea that the other person can be anything, good or bad, but they will never match the narrator’s love. This is a bold claim, showing confidence in the depth of their feelings.
The next lines, “He could be a stranger, you gave a second glance / He could be a trophy of a one-night stand,” suggest that the other person might be attractive or intriguing, but it’s still not enough. The narrator is emphasizing that these fleeting qualities don’t hold a candle to true love.
In the chorus, Sam sings, “Why are you looking down all the wrong roads? / When mine is the heart and the salt of the soul.” This highlights the frustration of watching someone you love make poor choices in partners. The narrator believes their love is genuine and pure, unlike the others.
Later, the lyrics, “We both have demons, that we can’t stand / I love your demons, like devils can,” show acceptance of the other person’s flaws. This line is powerful because it shows that true love includes loving someone’s imperfections, something that other lovers might not do.
“Like I Can” is a passionate plea for recognition and reciprocation of deep, true love. Sam Smith’s delivery of the song adds to its emotional weight, making it clear that the narrator’s love is unique and irreplaceable. It’s a song that many can relate to, having loved someone who doesn’t see them the same way.