Released: 2020
“Cardigan” by Taylor Swift is a nostalgic journey through young love and the bittersweet memories that come with it. The song captures the essence of feeling forgotten and then cherished, much like an old cardigan that’s been rediscovered and loved once more. It’s a story of youth, innocence, and the lasting impact of first love.
The song kicks off with vivid imagery of a ‘vintage tee’ and ‘brand new phone,’ setting the scene for a youthful, carefree vibe. The mention of ‘high heels on cobblestones’ suggests a sense of trying to balance the excitement and challenges of young adulthood. Swift reflects on how, when you’re young, people often underestimate your understanding of the world.
In the next lines, ‘sequin smile’ and ‘black lipstick’ paint a picture of someone experimenting with identity and style, perhaps to fit into the ‘sensual politics’ of relationships. Yet, despite assumptions of naivety, Swift asserts her awareness and connection with a lover, highlighted by intimate moments like ‘dancin’ in your Levis’ and ‘drunk under a streetlight.’
The chorus introduces the metaphor of an ‘old cardigan’ under someone’s bed, symbolizing feelings of being overlooked or forgotten. However, when the lover ‘puts her on,’ it signifies being valued and cherished, transforming her from forgotten to favorite.
The song continues with the idea that ‘a friend to all is a friend to none,’ hinting at the superficiality of some relationships. The line ‘chase two girls, lose the one’ suggests the consequences of indecision or infidelity. Despite these youthful missteps, Swift recalls the genuine connection she shared with her lover, marked by simple joys like ‘playing hide-and-seek’ and ‘giving me your weekends.’
As the narrative unfolds, Swift reminisces about ‘kissing in cars and downtown bars,’ capturing the essence of young love’s simplicity and intensity. The metaphor of ‘drawing stars around my scars’ suggests healing and beauty found in love, even as she acknowledges the pain of its end, ‘now I’m bleedin’.
The song’s bridge brings a sense of inevitability and longing, with lines like ‘steppin’ on the last train’ and ‘marked me like a bloodstain,’ illustrating the lasting impact of the relationship. Swift draws parallels to classic tales with ‘Peter losing Wendy,’ symbolizing lost innocence and unfulfilled dreams.
Swift closes with a reflection on the enduring nature of these memories, ‘linger like a tattoo kiss,’ and the certainty that the lover would ‘come back to me.’ The repeated imagery of the ‘old cardigan’ ties the song together, emphasizing the theme of being rediscovered and cherished once more.