Released: 2023
“Santa Doesn’t Know You Like I Do” by Sabrina Carpenter is a heartfelt pop song that explores the idea of personal connection versus the mythical figure of Santa Claus. The singer emphasizes her deep understanding and love for her partner, suggesting that she knows them better than anyone else, including Santa. It’s a playful yet earnest plea for attention and affection during the holiday season.
The song kicks off with the singer asserting that Santa doesn’t know her partner like she does. She’s been there through thick and thin, knows how to make them laugh, and can kiss away their tears. This sets the stage for a narrative where she feels her personal connection outweighs any holiday magic Santa might bring.
In the next lines, she invites her partner over, noting their cold behavior. She doesn’t want anything wild, just some alone time. The snow is falling, and she hints that she can make them “fall” for her too. This is a clever play on words, mixing the literal snow with romantic feelings.
The chorus repeats the idea that Santa doesn’t know her partner like she does. She knows their favorite songs and is always there when they call. The repetition emphasizes her point that she’s the one who truly understands and loves them.
As the song progresses, she expresses a desire for her partner to reciprocate her feelings. She paints a cozy picture of being wrapped up together under the tree, hinting that no one could love them more than she does. It’s a romantic, almost wistful appeal to be recognized as the one who can fulfill their wishes.
Towards the end, she questions if her partner will leave her alone on Christmas, reflecting a sense of vulnerability. She recalls making cookies they like, trying to remind them of the personal touches she brings. The song closes with a hope that this Christmas, her partner will realize she’s the one who can give them everything they want.
Overall, the song is a blend of romantic longing and holiday cheer, wrapped in a catchy pop melody. It’s about wanting to be recognized and appreciated for the unique connection she shares with her partner, something even Santa can’t compete with.