Released: 2017
“Sunsetz” by Cigarettes After Sex is a dreamy, nostalgic tune that captures the essence of fleeting moments and the lasting impressions they leave behind. The song’s lyrics paint a picture of intimate, personal experiences shared between two people, highlighting the beauty and melancholy of memories that linger even after someone has left.
The song opens with a vivid scene of wandering through a foreign town, emphasizing a sense of exploration and intimacy. The line “Strangely there’s nobody else around” suggests a world that feels uniquely theirs, a private bubble where they can be free and uninhibited. This is further illustrated when one person opens their dress on a swing set, symbolizing vulnerability and openness in their secluded playground.
The recurring imagery of “sunlight on your face in my rearview” is a powerful metaphor for memories that remain vivid even as time moves on. It’s like seeing a snapshot of a moment that stays with you, much like a photograph. This ties into the mention of “Brautigan’s book covers,” referencing the iconic and often surreal imagery found in Richard Brautigan’s works, which both characters seem to cherish.
The chorus expresses a longing to hear the other person’s voice, suggesting a deep connection that feels indestructible. Yet, there’s an underlying sadness, as the love described is something that exists in the past, preserved in memories and photographs.
Overall, “Sunsetz” captures the bittersweet nature of cherished memories, blending themes of love, nostalgia, and the inevitable passage of time. The lyrics are a reminder of how certain moments, no matter how brief, can leave a lasting impact, much like the glow of a sunset that lingers even after the sun has disappeared.