Released: 2018
“Washing Machine Heart” by Mitski is a song that delves into themes of longing and unrequited love. The lyrics metaphorically use a washing machine to express the emotional turmoil and desire for intimacy, capturing the feeling of wanting to be needed and loved by someone who seems distant.
The opening lines, “Toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart,” suggest a willingness to take on someone else’s burdens or problems, hoping to cleanse or fix them. The washing machine symbolizes the heart, ready to handle the messiness of love. “Baby, bang it up inside” implies a desire for intensity and passion, even if it might be chaotic.
Mitski mentions not wearing her “usual lipstick,” hinting at vulnerability and a break from routine, perhaps in an attempt to be noticed or loved differently. The line “I thought maybe we would kiss tonight” reveals a hopeful anticipation for affection that might not be reciprocated.
The repeated plea, “Baby, will you kiss me already?” underscores the yearning for connection and the frustration of waiting. The metaphor of the washing machine heart continues, emphasizing the speaker’s readiness to embrace the messiness of love.
In the bridge, “Baby, though I’ve closed my eyes, I know who you pretend I am,” Mitski acknowledges the painful awareness of being a stand-in for someone else in the relationship. This line highlights the theme of pretending and the heartache of not being truly seen or loved for who she is.
The refrain “Do, mi, ti, why not me?” is a clever play on musical notes, expressing a sense of inadequacy and questioning why she isn’t the one chosen. It’s a haunting reminder of the feeling of being overlooked or undervalued in love.